
T-Shirt Ventures, Provider Choice and Hey Hubble: How it all fits together

Written by
Tom Blinksell
Min Read
August 25, 2021
T-Shirt Ventures, Provider Choice and Hey Hubble: How it all fits together

When we launched our touchstone NDIS plan management platform Provider Choice more than a year ago, we knew that we were developing something that had to be built to last. 

We knew this because as a company and as individuals, we had shared first-hand experience with the impacts and tangible challenges that disability and long-term health concerns can incur on the individual and the support network that surrounds them.

Our attitude was that whatever we created going forward, it had to be impactful and always there for the people who would grow to rely on it.

Our approach was careful but confident and from our initial launch in Western Australia, through to our rollout along the East Coast, we took learnings in our stride and celebrated our rapid growth each step of the way.

But now, we are coming to a new opportunity that requires a shift to how our brand is structured to truly fulfil our potential as we see it now. Provider Choice is a key service, but as we grow, it becomes one piece in a much larger puzzle.

This change will manifest in two key ways: through an update to our overarching brand and in the branding of our new marketplace product.

T-Shirt Ventures: New Brand, Same High Standards and Ethos

Our decision to lean into a multi-brand strategy to boost the flexibility of our innovative offerings has facilitated a new head-co brand: T-Shirt Ventures.

Our purpose and our value to the people that utilise our services will be further boosted through the use of a ‘parent’ organisation driving our innovations across adjacent markets; within the disability sector and the broader health space, both here in Australia and one day, around the world.

So why the name T-Shirt Ventures? Our incredible technology and services are intuitive, accessible and no matter who you are, they just fit; much like your favourite t-shirt.

A casual, approachable name for a business that prides itself on taking a friendly and no-nonsense approach to varied challenges.

It’s under this head-co brand that we’re also thrilled to highlight a new digital platform offering.

Hey Hubble: A Marketplace That Understands You

We listened carefully to everyday people to understand how people engage with their assistive technology.

Their responses touched on some very interesting common words and themes.

Chief among them was the word ‘hub’, ie. a central place to find services and products, to manage plans and access expert content. Another common theme was ‘ability’ and the act of being ‘able’ to achieve things through our offering.

With this thinking, we constructed the term ‘Hubble’, a word that represents a blend and balance of these two key components of the platform.

The prefix ‘hey’ invokes the streamlined and conversational tone of convenient, voice-command technology – such as when you speak to your phone or virtual home assistant to quickly and conveniently sort something out. Such as ‘hey, Siri’, or ‘hey, Google’.

All together, this becomes the name of our new brand and NDIS Marketplace: ‘Hey Hubble’.


So that is the broad strokes of the why behind these exciting changes to our brands.
As always, we are thrilled to be growing and helping our community better achieve their potential – and being more than just a business, but a key part of the community.

We are already helping to improve lives all across Australia but one day, we hope that T-Shirt Ventures becomes a household name thanks to work that positively impacts so many people.
