Privacy Policy

1. Policy Introduction

Provider Choice Pty Ltd (ABN 96 627 164 194) (“Provider Choice”, "we", "us" or “our”) collects and uses personal information in accordance with applicable privacy laws, including the Privacy Act 1988 (CT) and the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act. This Privacy Policy outlines how Provider Choice® manages personal information provided by you, or otherwise obtained by Provider Choice, relating to you.

2. Collection of Personal Information

Provider Choice may collect and hold personal information of the following kinds (without limitation):

- name, address, phone number, post code, date of birth, email address;
- information about goods or services ordered, acquired or supplied; information from enquiries made;
- preferred start date for services and expected duration of service provision;
- communications between Provider Choice and you (or if you are not the care recipient, the care recipient);
- whether you (or if you are not the care recipient, the care recipient) have or have you applied for a government funding package;
- and if you are contacting us as a nominee, or on behalf of the care recipient, we will also collect some personal information about you, including your name, contact details and your relationship to the person being referred.

Provider Choice may also collect personal information from you, from third parties including our service providers or what is available in the public domain.

Provider Choice will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information that is collected, used or disclosed by it is complete and up to date. Provider Choice will only collect personal information about an individual from that individual unless it is unreasonable or impractical to do so.

If you disclose the care recipient’s personal information to us (e.g. sensitive information about the care recipient’s health and medical details), in providing that personal information to us you agree that:

- you have drawn this Privacy Policy to the care recipient’s attention;
- the care recipient has agreed to you providing their personal information to us;
- and that care recipient understands and agrees that we may use, disclose and manage their personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.

If you have agreed to receive information from Provider Choice, your email address will be saved and used for personal email advertisements until you let us know that you wish to unsubscribe.

When you visit a page from the Provider Choice Website, we may collect your IP address, the date and time of your visit, the retrieved data and the version of your browser, as well as any information that is submitted by default.

3. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Provider Choice may collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for the purposes of responding to enquiries from you and providing services to you or the care recipient whom you represent, to maintain Provider Choice’s relationship with you or the care recipient whom you represent, to comply with legal, regulatory, professional or contractual requirements, to interact with relevant third parties (including service providers), or where you have provided your consent for Provider Choice to do so. Provider Choice will only use or disclose this personal information for: the purpose for which it was collected; any related purpose for which it would reasonably be expected to be used or disclosed; a purpose required or permitted by law; or a purpose for which the individual has provided consent. Examples of instances where Provider Choice may disclose personal information about individuals to third parties include disclosure to clients and prospective clients known by Provider Choice, providers of services to Provider Choice, government agencies, regulatory authorities, related bodies corporate of Provider Choice and professional advisers of Provider Choice. Provider Choice requires its service providers to keep the personal information confidential and not use it for any purpose other than performing those services.

4. Security of Personal Information

Provider Choice takes reasonable measures to secure and protect personal information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

5. Access to, and Correcting Personal Information

You may access or seek correction of your personal information held by Provider Choice by written request. Provider Choice will respond to your request in accordance with its legal obligations under applicable privacy laws.

6. Updates to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated by Provider Choice from time to time.

7. Intranet and Website

This Privacy Policy as amended from time to time is to be placed on the Provider Choice intranet and website and is also available upon request.

8. Concerns, Queries and Complaints

Provider Choice welcomes any questions or feedback concerning this Privacy Policy. Any questions or feedback will be reviewed by Provider Choice. Contact can be made at